Corporate Bylaws

Corporate Bylaws is a written document which contains the guiding principles and rules to organize and manage the corporation. It outlines the structure of the organization, flow of work, policies and responsibilities for all the people involved in the organization.

  • Corporate Bylaws are the internal formalities of keeping your corporation active. It is a legal document that defines a corporation’s purpose, how it will run its affairs, and the duties and responsibilities of people who own and manage it. 
  • When you incorporate, you sketch out some of these concepts in your Articles of Incorporation, but Bylaws take it a step further. They set out the duties and obligations of the shareholders, directors, and officers. They also let you specify shareholder ownership rights, select officers and directors, plan annual meetings and create rules around the removal of officers or directors. 
  • By creating Corporate Bylaws, you’ll clearly define how your corporation will be run and you’ll set expectations for shareholders, officers, and board members.

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